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    What is Revision Rhinoplasty?

    What is Revision Rhinoplasty?Rhinoplasty is a complex surgical procedure that can result in complications, even when performed by the best of surgeons. When complications occur after rhinoplasty, a secondary surgery may be necessary to remediate issues. If you experience difficulty breathing or are unhappy with the shape of your nose following your initial rhinoplasty, you should seek a consultation for revision surgery. Experienced board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides revision rhinoplasty to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations. 

    Who is a good candidate for revision rhinoplasty?

    You may be a candidate for revision rhinoplasty if:

    • You are unhappy with your results from your primary rhinoplasty
    • You are experiencing complications from your primary rhinoplasty
    • Issues that were meant to be resolved, such as breathing problems, were not addressed during your primary rhinoplasty

    Dr. Motykie is an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon that will discuss your goals and create a personalized treatment option for you during your revision rhinoplasty consultation.


    Revision rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia and involves the use of bone and cartilage grafts to reshape the nose. Incisions are small and discreet and the surgery may be completed between an hour to up to four hours, depending on your treatment.


    Similar to traditional rhinoplasty, you will experience swelling, bruising and discomfort for many days following revision rhinoplasty. You will be prescribed pain medication and take at least a week off from daily activities for recovery. Strenuous activities and sports will need to be avoided for several weeks.  Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides revision rhinoplasty to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.

    Contact Beverly Hills Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie to Schedule a Consultation

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    To see more services and treatments provided by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles | West Hollywood, CA and his team please visit:

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