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Tummy Tuck vs. Liposuction

By Gary Motykie, MD

Tummy Tuck vs. Liposuction
Tummy Tuck vs. Liposuction

Unwanted fat deposits in the abdominal area are a common aesthetic problem for both women and men today. With the passage of time, these deposits become resistant to diet and exercise. Candidates who are unhappy with this condition may choose a plastic surgery procedure to improve body contours and restore a firmer abdomen.

Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgery and liposuction are two major procedures that are aimed at reducing excess fat deposits and enhancing abdominal contours. Dr. Gary Motykie is one of the leading cosmetic surgeons providing both tummy tuck and liposuction procedures. Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding communities.

Key Differences

Tummy tuck surgery and liposuction can be distinguished from each other on several parameters. At the time of initial consultation, the surgeon will discuss the pros and cons of both treatment options with the patient.

Reducing Fat and Skin

Some patients may only suffer from accumulation of excess fat deposits in the abdominal region, but they may still have good skin elasticity and fairly tight underlying muscles. In such cases, liposuction plastic surgery can be very effective to reduce unwanted fats in a minimally invasive manner.

However, some patients may have excess skin and weak or separated underlying muscles in the abdominal area, apart from excess fat tissue. In such case, the abdomen will sag significantly, and a tummy tuck surgery will be necessary to restore a more youthful abdominal contour.

Complexity of Procedure

While both tummy tuck and liposuction should only be performed by an experienced cosmetic surgeon, but tummy tuck is usually a relatively more complex procedure. Tummy tuck will typically be performed with the patient under general anesthesia. The length of the surgery will also be longer because of fat reduction and skin and muscle tightening procedures.

Liposuction, on the other hand, is usually less invasive and may be performed using local anesthesia in many cases. Dr. Motykie provides both procedures to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas.


In case of full tummy tuck surgery, multiple incisions may be required in the lower and upper abdomen. The length of incisions in case of liposuction will be relatively minor. Tumescent technique or laser assisted liposuction techniques can be performed using very small incisions. As a result, the length of the scars in case of tummy tuck will usually be higher than in the case of liposuction.

Scarring in tummy tuck will also depend on the type of surgical technique chosen to perform the procedure. An experienced surgeon will try to make incisions in discreet locations to minimize the visibility of scars.


The downtime involved in liposuction can be reduced considerably if the surgeon employs tumescent or laser assisted liposuction techniques. Most patients can return to their regular activities in about a week to 10 days.

Tummy tuck procedure, on the other hand, will involve about 10 to 14 days of downtime. In some cases, both liposuction and tummy tuck may be combined to achieve more comprehensive outcomes.

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