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    Rhinoplasty (Nose Job Surgery) Recovery

    Rhinoplasty (Nose Job Surgery) RecoveryRhinoplasty (Nose Job Surgery) Recovery

    Rhinoplasty is an intricate cosmetic surgery procedure, which can have a significant impact on the facial appearance. Recovery in case of rhinoplasty will vary from one patient to another, depending on several factors.

    Dr. Gary Motykie is a board certified plastic surgeon providing rhinoplasty and other procedures to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other areas. During the initial consultation, Dr. Motykie will discuss various aspects of rhinoplasty plastic surgery including the estimated recovery process.

    Duration of Recovery

    Working people and mothers with little babies are usually more concerned about the downtime and the total recovery period involved in a procedure performed by a cosmetic surgeon such as rhinoplasty. The precise amount of downtime will typically vary from patient to patient, depending on the extent of cosmetic surgery involved, the surgical technique employed, and the intrinsic healing ability of the patient.

    In most cases, the patient will be able to go back to work or resume the normal activities at home in about one week. If the patient has received a major surgery, which may include nose reconstruction or implants, the total downtime may extend up to two weeks. Dr. Motykie is an experienced plastic surgeon who tries to ensure safer and faster recovery for his patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas.

    Initial Recovery

    For the first few days, a majority of patients will experience mild pain and discomfort in the treated areas. Minor, intermittent headaches are also a common issue during the initial recovery phase. These concerns will resolve in a few days. However, if the pain becomes severe or does not subside, it could be an indication of an infection, and the patient should contact the cosmetic surgeon. Pain medications can help ensure patient comfort in the initial days.

    Nasal congestion is commonly reported following rhinoplasty during the first few days. This condition will start getting better from the second week onwards as the internal swelling reduces. Patients who had a complaint of breathing obstructions in the nose will be able to experience immediate relief following the procedure.

    Condition of Swelling and Bruising

    Mild bruising and swelling is expected after a rhinoplasty. Swelling is more noticeable in the external parts of the nose and cheeks. If more invasive surgery has been performed, the condition will take more time to resolve. How far the surgeon can preserve the surrounding tissue against damage will also impact the condition.

    Swelling and bruising will be more pronounced in a situation where nose reconstruction or nasal bone displacement is involved. The bruises will fade after about two weeks in such cases, but the swelling will take a longer time to resolve completely.

    Nose Cast

    In most cases, the surgeon will place a cast over the nose for about five to seven days. The cast as well as the sutures may be removed together during the first post-surgery visit to the surgeon. Once the full effects of the surgery begin to settle in, the patient will start feeling much better with the results.

    To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:

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