The first step in getting a PRP Hair Restoration in Los Angeles is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gary Motykie. During this consultation, he will talk to you about your medical history, aesthetic goals, and concerns. He will then examine your scalp, checking the target areas to see if this treatment best matches your needs. Finally, he will outline the pros and cons of the procedure to manage your expectations. If you would like to see them, you can ask for past-patient before and after photographs.
If you both decide to move forward with the PRP hair restoration treatment, Dr. Motykie will create a customized treatment plan. You can then take this plan to our patient concierge to schedule your treatment and for any payment options. At this time, ask for any pre- or post-treatment instructions. Plasma and platelet health are vital to the success of PRP Hair Treatment, so please adhere closely to Dr. Motykie’s advice, including instructions on how to stop smoking and certain medications ahead of the treatment.