By Gary Motykie, MD
Reshaping Your Chin or Jawline
Having a well-defined jawline is integral to an attractive and balanced face in both men and women. Custom-fit chin implants allow surgeons to add strength to recessed or weak chin and improve facial harmony.
Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides safe and proven cosmetic facial reshaping procedures for chin and jawline enhancement to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.
Jawline and Chin Enhancement Surgery
Jawline and chin enhancement surgery, also known as genioplasty, is useful in improving the contours of the neck, chin, and jawline. Typically, genioplasty involves placing an implant around the existing chin bone for augmenting the shape and size of the chin. It helps towards achieving a naturally attractive balance among facial features.
Chin enhancement, when performed by a seasoned and qualified cosmetic surgeon can provide a permanent solution to improve recessed or weak chin. It also helps in restoring a natural looking and attractive jawline.
Who Should Get a Chin and Jawline Reshaping Surgery?
Chin implant plastic surgery can be helpful if you are bothered by a weak or recessed chin or think that your facial features lack proportion. Chin implant procedure can help you gain confidence in your appearance. In particular, chin and jawline augmentation can help towards:
- Improving facial harmony by making the chin more proportionate to other features
- Correcting a recessed or weak chin
- Improving definition in the jawline and neck
- Reducing the appearance of a double or full chin due to a small chin bone
Performing Chin and Jawline Facial Reshaping Surgery
Chin and jawline reshaping surgery is generally performed as an outpatient procedure under local or general anesthesia. The surgeon will make a small incision inside the mouth or under the chin. The plastic surgeon will then carve out a space for the chin implant through this incision. The chin implant will be placed around the chin.
Typically, chin implant cosmetic surgery procedure takes less than an hour. Operating time will increase if you want to get additional facial reshaping procedures performed. Sutures are used for closing the incisions following surgery. Your chin may be bandaged.
Additional Options
Many patients get chin implant surgery as a standalone procedure. However, surgeons may recommend combination procedure for enhanced results.
Combining Rhinoplasty and Chin Augmentation
Chin implants can improve the results of rhinoplasty or nose reshaping surgery. This is a popular facial recontouring procedure.
Combining Chin Implants and Neck Liposuction
Neck liposuction is recommended for patients with excess fullness under the chin. Jawline definition is improved by strengthening the chin. However, appearance of the neck and lower face can be improved more by removing excess fat from the chin.
Long-term Results
Chin and jawline implants are durable and strong medical devices that are made to be permanent. The chin and jawline contour will not change even with the natural aging process.
Most jawline and chin reshaping surgery patients will experience little downtime. They can get back to their normal routine within 4 to 7 days of the surgery. Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas for innovative and advanced facial reshaping surgery procedures for chin and jawline enhancement.
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