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Archive for Face

Facelift or Botox? Which is right for you?

As seen on Today, there are many options to help those people transform their stories, by restoring their youthful appearance and regaining their confidence. Two of the most common are facelifts and Botox, and while both can have a significant impact, there are key differences between the two. Which is best for you? Facelift benefits A facelift provides more significant and visible results than injectable treatments. Because it’s a surgical procedure, results last far longer than other treatments – often for 10 years or more. Facelifts can treat more serious issues that injections cannot. Botox benefits Because Botox is an injection, it’s minimally invasive. It’s also fast – the treatment […]

More people are seeking cosmetic treatments to look better on social media

From the New Beauty article: “Have Selfies Ruined the Smile?” – Liz Ritter , Executive Managing Editor | June 16, 2017 Professor Colin Jones, author of The Smile Revolution, has a very interesting theory: Technology has totally changed the “culture of the smile.” As reported on by The Telegraph, Jones pinpoints the “duck face,” in particular, saying it has replaced the “Cheshire cat” smile. “The world of the selfie, the wonder of narcissism, the selfie-stick and the way that seems to make the smile absolutely everywhere. It is the way in which we establish our authenticity in the world.” But not everyone agrees the popularity of social media is necessarily a bad […]

Age Spots (Liver Spots) Treatment

Age Spots (Liver Spots)  Liver spots, commonly known as age spots, are a sign of aging that can compromise a smooth, youthful look of the face and other areas. The spots are usually seen in black, brown or tan colors, and in varying sizes. Exposure to the sun over the years causes these spots in sun-exposed areas such as the face, hands, shoulders and arms. People above the age of 50 are more commonly affected by age spots. Several non-surgical treatments can be used to mitigate the effect of liver spots or remove them entirely from the skin. An experienced treatment provider […]

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons Report: Non-Invasive Kybella May Improve Your Neckline

While the popularity of plastic surgery procedures has consistently risen over the years, there has been a surge in demand for non-surgical aesthetic procedures as well. According to the statistics released by the American Society of Plastic Surgery, injectable procedures such as Botox and facial fillers are among the most popular aesthetic procedures today. Allergan, Inc., the company that produces Botox, has now introduced Kybella, an FDA approved injectable procedure to enhance the neckline by dissolving excess fat below the chin. Dr. Gary Motykie is a dedicated cosmetic surgeon providing Kybella injectable treatment to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los […]

Rhinoplasty: Part Science, Part Art

Nose is aesthetically a strategic component of the face. Even a slight alteration to the size, shape, or appearance of the nose can dramatically change the facial look. Therefore, a procedure such as nose reshaping plastic surgery should be performed by a surgeon who can approach it as a combination of science and art in order to produce an attractive nose that is fully functional and in harmony with the other facial features. The surgeon should take into account the unique aesthetic needs and aspirations of the patient and balance them against their essential facial structure and anatomy. A trained and […]

Facelift Plastic Surgery Procedure Steps

A facelift is a time-tested and popular plastic surgery procedure designed to take several years off the patient’s face and restore a youthful facial appearance. At the time of pre-op consultation, the surgeon will discuss various steps involved in the facelift procedure and help the patient make an informed decision. Once the patient has a fabulous understand of the facelift surgery procedure, their anxiety levels will lower and they will be better prepared for the surgery. Dr. Gary Motykie is an experienced cosmetic surgeon providing facelift and various other procedures to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding […]

Dr. Motykie’s Sun Damage Correction Before & After Photos in New Beauty Magazine

In the next issue of New Beauty magazine – the definitive authority on all things beauty – Dr. Motykie’s  before and after sun damage correction photos are highlighted. To correct this patient’s sun damage, West Hollywood, CA plastic surgeon Gary Motykie, MD, performed IPL and a chemical peel. In addition, Dysport was injected to raise the brows and fat was grafted to the midface. See more before and after photos.   Click here for Virtual Consultation To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:   […]

A Patient testimonial: “Dr. Motykie really took his time with me finding out what I wanted to achieve…”

Since I’ve hit my 30’s my forehead lines have become far more pronounced and I’ve become very self conscious about them. Between a steady diet of life stress and study I have a tendency to frown a lot and often for extended periods of time. While my hours long nightly mulling over of baffling journal articles has helped me on the inside- the outside has not been so lucky and I was at the point where I had to commit to either Botox or bangs and fortunately for everyone who had to look at me- Botox won out 🙂 Read […]

10 Things to do (and Avoid) to Prepare for Facelift Surgery

The facelift is a significantly invasive plastic surgery procedure to restore facial youth. Patients who plan meticulously for facelift surgery and post-operative recovery will be able to go through all the stages more safely and comfortably. Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides facelift to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations. Don’ts Stop Smoking Well Before the Surgery Smoking is known to slow down the healing process, and smokers are at a higher risk of complications during the surgery. Stop smoking at least a few weeks before facelift and for a similar period after the surgery.   Refrain from Using Blood […]

What is a Weekend Facelift?

A weekend facelift is a common way to describe a mini or partial facelift plastic surgery. People who are bothered by the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin in the lower third of the face may choose a weekend facelift rather than a full traditional facelift surgery. The surgeon will place small incisions in discreet areas around the ears to restore a younger looking lower face and improve chin definition through tightening of underlying tissue and removal of excess skin. Each individual’s facial anatomy and their personal aesthetic needs and expectations are unique. An experienced cosmetic surgeon will tailor the weekend […]

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