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    Breast Augmentation Cost Beverly Hills | Los Angeles

    Breast Augmentation Cost Beverly Hills | Los AngelesDr. Gary Motykie provides state of the art plastic surgery procedures ranging from tummy tuck and liposuction to breast lift and facelift. He is a board certified plastic surgeon with extensive training and experience in the field of reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. Patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles and surrounding areas have an opportunity to receive the latest and proven treatments from Dr. Motykie. For his contributions as a cosmetic surgeon, he has won several recognitions and honors, including the Physicians’ Recognition Award in 2009 from the American Medical Association.

    Key Questions to Ask on Breast Augmentation Costs

    Breast augmentation is one of the more popular plastic surgery procedures in the United States today. The cosmetic surgeon may recommend this procedure to address the aesthetic goals of a patient who needs breast enlargement, or it may be performed as a reconstructive procedure following a mastectomy. Patients ought to consider all aspects of the breast enhancement surgery, including the cost aspect, before they finally decide to go ahead with the procedure.

    An experienced plastic surgeon will usually explain all the pros and cons of breast surgery, and also indicate the estimated costs of various treatment options. Dr. Motykie encourages his patients in and around Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, and Los Angeles to ask questions and clarify all their points related to a procedure as well as the associated costs. This enables a patient to make an informed decision and achieve the best possible outcome.

    Particularly with regard to breast augmentation, patients need to consider questions such as whether to choose saline or silicone gel based implants, whether to place the implants under or over the breast muscle, and what type of incisions may be appropriate to suit the patient’s goals. At the same time, patients also need to address all the essential queries related to the cost of breast implant surgery, such as:

    •  What will be cost of breast augmentation cosmetic surgery?
    •  Does this cost estimate cover the cost of breast implants, surgical garments, post-op visits, and medical tests, if any?
    •  Are the operating room costs included in the estimate?
    •  Is the cost of anesthesia included in the estimate?
    •  Does the practice require entire amount to be paid upfront in advance?
    •   Are there any financing options available for breast augmentation procedure?

    Additional Costs

    Patients should be aware of any potential additional costs of breast implant plastic surgery while preparing their cost estimates. Sometimes the cosmetic surgeon may require the patient to buy special garments or surgical bra prior to the procedure. Another cost to consider is the cost of blood tests and any other medical tests, depending on the patient’s condition. Patients who have not had a mammogram in the last one year may be required to attain one.

     Overall Cost of Surgery

    Patients should also consider financing options well in advance so that they can ensure convenient payments for the procedure. Breast augmentation is usually a cosmetic procedure, and will not be covered under the patient’s health insurance plan in most cases.

    To see more services and treatments provided by Dr. Motykie and his team please visit:


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