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    The Brazilian Butt Lift

    The Brazilian Butt LiftFor several decades, women have requested buttock enhancement to fulfill their desire for a curvier backside. In the past, the most common procedure was the insertion of an implant into the buttocks that was similar to the modern breast implant. This surgery carried a high risk of complications and infections, and thus buttock implants never gained mainstream popularity.

    Luckily, a new alternative has been championed over the last several years known as the Brazilian Butt Lift. This procedure involves modern liposuction technology and techniques that transfer a patient’s own fat to their buttock area. In essence, a Brazilian Butt Lift consists of two procedures in one: liposuction and fat grafting to the buttock.

    The Brazilian Butt Lift is therefore a “two-for-one” procedure because it enables both body contouring through removal of fat from unwanted areas of the body while also adding significant volume to the buttocks. Dr. Motykie has been performing fat grafting techniques for many years and he has perfected his own Brazilian Butt Lift technique. See Brazilian Butt Lift Before and After Photos

    What is the Procedure?

    The surgery takes approximately two to three hours. The first part of the surgery is liposuction to harvest fat for unwanted “trouble” areas such as the thighs and stomach.  Dr. Motykie uses the latest liposuction technology that preserves the survival of the fat. The fat is then purified and prepared for re-injection I to the buttocks. Therefore, the areas where the fat is removed will become slimmer and your buttocks will be augmented and lifted.

    Typically, it is estimated that 70 to 80 percent of the fat cells injected into the buttocks will survive if the fat is removed properly and re-injected by an experienced surgeon that is using modern techniques. Due to these high survival rates, the fat cells will thrive long-term in Dr Motykie’s patients. The final results of the fat grafting procedure can usually be seen within three months after surgery during which time the definition and final shape of the buttocks will begin to appear.

    Will Exercise Ruin my New Buttocks?

    Dr. Motykie specifically targets and removes fat cells from stubborn areas of the body where losing fat is typically difficult for the patient. Surgeons refer to these fat cells as having “institutional memory” because they are resilient to dieting and have higher survival rates when transferred to a different area on the same body.  In other words, fat cells that are transferred from stubborn “trouble” areas will still think they are in the thighs or waist even though they have been transferred to the buttocks. These “grafted” fat cells remain “stubborn” and maintain their volume long-term. Therefore, if you exercise on a regular basis you can still lose weight and tone other areas of the body without jeopardizing your new curvy backside.

    What Should I Expect During Recovery?

    Dr. Motykie recommends a recovery time of about two to three weeks following a Brazilian Butt Lift during which time he asks his patients to refrain from sitting on the fat grafting for excessive amounts of time as well as avoiding “fat burning” exercises.  Patients are given a compressive garment to wear for several weeks after surgery in order to help reduce swelling and bruising. Bruising usually disappears sometime in the first several weeks following surgery but the swelling takes approximately several months to subside completely. During recovery, the buttocks will continue to “shape-up” while the areas where liposuction was performed will continue to shrink along with the resolution of post-operative swelling.
    The Brazilian Butt LiftThe Brazilian Butt Lift

    To see more services and treatments provided by Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie and his team please visit:

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    Brazilian Butt Lift (Fat Grafting to Buttock)

    Brazilian butt lift

    Brazilian Butt Lift, also known as BBL, can improve the appearance of the entire lower back and buttock region. This is accomplished by performing liposuction of the body and then transferring the fatty tissue into the buttock area to create a rounder, perkier appearing buttock. This procedure can reshape the entire lower back and hips in order to creating an overall more aesthetically pleasing silhouette and body contour.

    Fat transfer is favored over gluteal implants because it gives a much softer, natural result. This type of surgery is a great way to improve both size and shape of the buttocks as well as achieve more proportion of the overall body.

    Brazilian Butt Lift (Fat Grafting to Buttock)


    Buttock augmentation by way of fat transfer (Brazilian buttock lift) is usually performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure with patients going home the same day. The procedure takes about 90 minutes to complete. The success of the surgical outcome has a lot to do with the technique used by Dr. Motykie.

    The areas surrounding the buttocks are first contoured by  liposuction in order to make the buttocks stand out more and the fat grafting material must be harvested in a manner which preserves the integrity of the fat cells. Common areas liposuctioned include the lower back (directly above the buttock), the stomach, the waist and the thighs.  In order to get enough quality fat, Dr. Motykie typically has to perform liposuction on at least 2 areas of your body. The fat suctioned from these areas is then carefully processed and purified for re-injection into the buttocks. Dr. Motykie uses a special fat injection technique to ensure only the best donor fat cells are re-injected back into your buttocks for use in augmentation. Dr. Motykie injects the purified fat into different areas and layers of your buttocks in order to get a uniform, smooth, natural appearance of the buttocks as well as improved long-term survival of the grafted fat.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    The best candidate for a Brazilian buttock lift is someone who is in good overall health but has adequate donor areas of fat on their body. This excess fat is needed in order to ensure there is enough fat available to create a nice, round buttock during surgery. Patients who are very thin are not good candidates for fat transfer to the buttock and they may be advised to gain some weight before having the procedure performed in order to help ensure a successful outcome.

    Buttock implants are limited in that they can only deliver volume to one specific area and therefore a lot of sculpting and contouring cannot be performed to custom shape the buttocks. Furthermore, buttock implants tend to feel less natural than when a body’s own fat is utilized. Buttock implants also have more potential complications such as infection, implant displacement, sagging, capsular contracture (scar tissue formation), and wound healing problems at the incision site. For these reasons, they are generally not preferred by most board certified plastic surgeons for use in buttock augmentation.

    The abdomen, waist (love handles), thighs and lower back are the primary areas used to donate fat which is obtained through liposuction.

    There is no defined minimum or maximum amount of fat that can be transferred per side during a Brazilian buttock lift. The final amount depends on the volume of good quality fat that can be obtained via liposuction. Patients who have more fat on their bodies can generally have a higher volume injected, this can range anywhere from 200 cc to 1000 cc per side. More important than the actual amount of fat injected is the technique used to properly prepare and inject the fat so that its long term survival is improved.

    This varies from person to person and technique used, but most patients can expect to keep about 70% of the total transferred fat (volume). After about six months, the amount of fat that remains is assumed to be permanent. If the fat is harvested, processed, and injected correctly, the result should be long lasting.

    The buttock size can increase or decrease depending on your overall body weight fluctuations since the grafted fat will behave like fat elsewhere in your body.  If you gain weight, you may see an increase in the size of your buttock as well as your entire body. If you lose weight after the surgery, your buttock may get smaller but so may your entire body.

    Most patients will take 5-7 days off from work to recover from a buttock augmentation (Brazilian buttock lift). Some patients find it beneficial to modify their sitting with the use of pillows and cushions for the first week or two after surgery.

    I recommend that patients avoid strenuous, fat burning exercise for about 4-6 weeks after surgery. This will allow the newly transferred fat cells an opportunity to survive long-term. You can do some light aerobic activity and weight training a few weeks after surgery and walking right after surgery is highly recommended.

    Patients wear a compressive garment from their waist to their knees for the first week after surgery.  Positioning after a Brazilian buttock lift therefore becomes very important and some patients feel more comfortable sleeping on their sides or their stomach during this period. Patients can sit on their buttocks after surgery but most feel more comfortable with the assistance of a special pillow or cushion placed under the back of their thighs. Most of the obvious swelling resolves in about two to four weeks after surgery. As with any type of fat transfer, some of the fat may shrink or atrophy with time, and by six months you will have a good idea of how much fat (volume) will remain long-term.  The Brazilian buttock lift allows Dr. Motykie to re-sculpt and increase the size of the entire buttocks, waist, abdomen, hips and lower back.

    It is possible to perform other procedures such as a tummy tuck or breast augmentation at the same time as a buttock augmentation in order to further enhance overall body shape and proportion.

    Contact us today

    For more information on Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery, schedule a consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie today.


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