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What should you expect during your thigh lift consultation?

Thigh Lift Consultation The pre-surgery consultation process is the most crucial starting point that will set the tone for your safe and successful thigh lift cosmetic surgery. Your surgeon will closely engage with you during the consultation. You should be prepared to participate proactively in order to make this appointment most productive for your own benefit. The inputs you provide to your surgeon about your health history and your cosmetic goals will help them create the most appropriate custom surgery plan for your thigh lift. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides thigh lift surgery to patients in Beverly Hills, West […]

Are you a good candidate for thigh lift surgery?

Thigh Lift Surgery Upper legs are often one of the more troublesome areas from an aesthetic viewpoint, especially for women. With age, the skin in the thigh region may become loose and stubborn cellulite and fat pockets may develop, making your lower body appear heavier and older in proportion to your upper body. If you feel self-conscious about your thigh appearance or avoid wearing tight fitting or short clothes because you don’t want your thighs to attract attention, you could benefit from a thigh lift cosmetic surgery. Thighplasty or a thigh lift is a time-tested procedure that has helped thousands of women […]

Thigh Lift Surgery Before And After Photos

Thigh Lift Surgery  Sagging skin, unsightly cellulite, and excess fat deposits in the upper legs can compromise your overall body proportion and looks. Fortunately, these conditions can be successfully corrected with a thigh lift cosmetic surgery. At your initial consultation for this procedure, make sure to be proactive and ask questions from your surgeon about all aspects of a thigh lift. A committed surgeon will make every effort to educate you and help you in making a well-considered decision. They may also present thigh lift surgery before and after photographs before you at the first consultation. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary […]

How much does Thigh Lift Surgery cost?

Thigh Lift Surgery  Proportionate and shapely thighs can transform your lower body appearance. A thigh lift is the most effective cosmetic surgery procedure if you are bothered by the appearance of sagging or disproportionately heavy thighs and wish to restore a youthful appearance of the upper legs. It is important to consider your budget when you are seeking a thigh lift because the procedure is usually considered elective and you will have to pay the cost out of pocket. Be upfront with your surgeon about the estimated costs and make an independent decision after comparing the costs with the potential benefits of […]

Thigh Lift Surgery

Thigh Lift  Excess skin and fatty tissue in the thighs can be hard to correct with diet and exercise. If you are looking for youthful and proportionate thigh contours, you should consider thigh lift cosmetic surgery. Sometimes a thigh liposuction may be combined with a thigh lift to create exceptional outcomes for both inner and outer thighs. During your initial consultation, you should discuss your best options with the surgeon so that they can recommend a customized thigh lift surgery plan for you. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides thigh lift surgery to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, and […]

Pectoral Implant Surgery Risks

Pectoral Implants Some men cannot acquire the chest definition they want even with frequent exercise and specific weight lifting. Pectoral implant cosmetic surgery procedure can help improve their chest contour. The procedure has become popular for men who are unable to achieve sculpted and masculine chests even after visiting the gym. However, it is important to know the potential risks, side effects and any other downsides of the procedure before you make a decision. Talk to your surgeon about the risks during the initial consultation. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides pectoral implants to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, […]

Questions To Ask Your Plastic Surgeon Before Getting Pectoral Implants

Pectoral Implants The primary concern of a dedicated breast surgeon is to help the patient make an educated and salient decision. You should not hesitate to have your concerns or doubts cleared. A responsible surgeon will make sure that they provide the most accurate answers to you. You should also feel free to request for patient testimonials and before and after images of past patients to gain more insights about the procedure and your surgeon’s skills. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides pectoral implants to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations. What are your professional qualifications? Asking […]

How Long Do Pectoral Implants Last?

Pectoral Implants The demand for pectoral implants surgery has been on the rise in recent years. Men desiring well-developed chest muscles realize that they cannot attain the results they want with rigorous diets and strenuous workouts. Pectoral implants are designed to help these men achieve their goals. Pec implant cosmetic surgery involves placement of a solid silicone implant to create a masculine and sculpted chest. It is an aesthetic procedure in which the implant is inserted under the chest muscle. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides pectoral implants surgery to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding communities. Pectoral […]

What To Expect During Your Pectoral Implant Consultation?

Pectoral Implant Pectoral implants surgery can be customized to a great degree. Your cosmetic surgeon would provide you with a comprehensive consultation to evaluate your candidacy. Your doctor would measure your pectoralis muscles and take your health history at the initial consultation. The doctor will understand your expectations and decide whether you make a good candidate or not for the procedure. You should openly communicate with the surgeon during the pre-operative consultation for understanding different components of the cosmetic surgery procedure. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides pectoral implants surgery to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding […]

Are You A Good Candidate For Pectoral Implants?

Pectoral Implants All men desire fuller and athletic looking chests. They follow strict exercise regimens and diets for achieving this attribute. However, factors like growth defects, genetics, and medical conditions may deter their efforts for achieving a sculpted and toned chest. Fortunately, pec implant surgery offers a viable solution. Pec implant surgery is a popular aesthetic procedure for men. This involves placement of a solid silicone implant under the pectoral muscles for creating a well-proportionated and sculpted masculine torso. Pectoral implants are made of solid silicone. They go a long way in creating an athletic looking chest. Pec implant procedure enhances the bulk […]

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