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    What are the steps of a thigh lift procedure?

    What are the steps of a thigh lift procedure?

    Thigh lift

    A thigh lift cosmetic surgery is the most effective procedure available to eliminate sagging skin and stubborn fat from the inner and outer thighs and enhance your upper leg contours. In some cases, the surgery may be combined with a thigh liposuction to create more natural looking results.

    During your pre-op consultation, your surgeon will explain the steps involved in your customized thigh lift procedure. Once you know what the surgery is going to entail, you will feel more confident and will be able to complete the procedure successfully. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to share with your surgeon at any stage before your scheduled thigh lift surgery.

    Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides thigh lift surgery to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, and Los Angeles, and surrounding communities.

    Administering Anesthesia

    On your surgery day, the nurse will check your basic health parameters before you are moved to the operating room. The surgeon will mark the areas where they plan to place the incisions for your thigh lift plastic surgery. Before they begin the procedure, a qualified anesthesiologist will administer general anesthesia to you.

    This will instantly put you in deep sleep so that you will feel no pain or discomfort throughout the surgery. Following the procedure, you will be brought out of anesthesia and you will have no recollection of the procedure.

    Thigh Lift Surgery Procedure

    Medial Thigh Lift

    Your surgeon will create an incision in the groin region along the inner aspect of your thigh. Through the incision, they will remove excess skin and fat. Depending on your pre-determined surgery plan, thigh liposuction may also be performed to remove stubborn fat deposits.

    Your surgeon will re-contour the groin to knee area and then repeat the same procedure for your outer thighs. If you have heavy thighs, a significant wedge of tissue may be removed from the outer thighs to create a proportionate, shapely upper leg appearance.

    Lateral Thigh Lift

    A lateral or outer thigh lift cosmetic surgery may be performed as a separate procedure or in conjunction with an inner thigh lift. A lateral thigh lift is usually a more elaborate procedure because it may involve re-contouring of the buttocks in addition to the outer thighs.

    A substantial amount of tissue removal may be necessary, depending on the amount of excess fat and loose skin in your upper legs. Scarring is generally more visible in an outer thigh lift, but an accomplished plastic surgeon will be able to conceal the scars in discreet locations so that they are hidden under your clothing.

    Post-Surgical Recovery

    Recovery process is a vital element in your thigh lift surgery to ensure safe and sustainable results. In the first few days following your thigh lift, you may experience some bruising, swelling, and inflammation in the incision areas. Your surgeon will prescribe pain medications for the first week.

    You will also be required to wear a compression garment in the first few weeks to provide support to your newly forming thigh contours. Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, and Los Angeles, and nearby areas for thigh lift surgery.

    Contact Beverly Hills Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie to Schedule a Consultation

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    To see more services and treatments provided by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles | West Hollywood, CA and his team please visit:

    How to Prepare For Thigh Lift Surgery

    Thigh Lift Surgery

    A thigh lift is a major cosmetic surgery procedure that must be preceded by a dedicated preparation process for the finest results. Your plastic surgeon will guide you about the preparation during your initial consultation. As long as you follow their guidelines, you will be ready and confident to go ahead with your surgery and meet your goals in the best possible manner.

    Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides thigh lift surgery to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, and Los Angeles, and surrounding locations.

    Thigh Lift Preparatory Steps

    • Focus on a balanced diet and regular exercise to improve your resilience prior to surgery, and add more lean proteins to diet.
    • Avoid smoking for at least a few weeks ahead of your thigh lift plastic surgery as directed by your surgeon.
    • Do not take any blood thinning drugs, NSAIDs, vitamin E, and herbal supplements for at least two weeks before surgery.
    • Stay well-hydrated and drink minimum 6 to 8 glasses of water every day in the days and weeks preceding your surgery.
    • Aim to maintain a stable and moderate body weight so you can achieve excellent aesthetic outcomes from your thigh lift.
    • If your surgeon has ordered some blood work or other diagnostic and imaging tests, get them done ahead of time.
    • Request your general physician, specialists, and hospital to send over your medical records directly to the surgeon’s office.
    • If you are working, make sure to apply for leave at the workplace in advance to have a stress-free post-op recovery.
    • If you have little kids or otherwise need support, consider hiring a help for a few days immediately after your surgery.
    • Arrange for a friend or family member who can drive you back home safely after your thigh lift procedure.
    • Complete any formalities related to financing so that you can comfortably pay for your procedure without stretching your budget.

    Preparing for Post-op Recovery

    In consultation with your surgeon, make advance preparations for your post-surgical recovery. Fill your prescriptions for pain meds, antibiotics, and other drugs as required, and purchase essential medical supplies, such as gauze and bandages.

    Keep a few ice packs in the freezer as you may need them in the first few days to get relief from the swelling. Stock a few ready to eat meals if necessary for the first week. Place all the items of daily use in a convenient location so that you don’t have to move, bend, or stretch too much for accessing them.

    A Day Prior to the Surgery

    If your surgeon has planned to perform your thigh lift under general anesthesia, do not eat or drink anything for 8 to 12 hours prior to your scheduled surgery time. Choose loose fitting clothes for your visit to the hospital, and avoid wearing any jewelry, makeup, contact lenses, or other accessories.

    Rest well on the day before your surgery and get a full night’s sleep. Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, and Los Angeles, and nearby areas for thigh lift surgery.

    Contact Beverly Hills Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie to Schedule a Consultation

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    To see more services and treatments provided by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles | West Hollywood, CA and his team please visit:

    Thigh Lift Surgery Risks

    Thigh Lift Surgery 

    A thigh lift plastic surgery is a relatively low risk body contouring procedure. Complications, if they occur, can usually be addressed quickly and effectively. However, it’s still crucial to have full awareness about the potential risks that are inherent to any surgical procedure as well as any risks that are specific to a thigh lift.

    A dedicated surgeon will make sure that you know about the risks and downsides of a thigh lift before you sign the consent forms to go ahead with your surgery. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides thigh lift surgery to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, and Los Angeles, and surrounding communities.

    Potential Thigh Lift Complications

    Potential risks and complications that are common to most types of cosmetic surgery procedures as well as those that are specific to thigh lift are described as follows:


    In most cases, an inner thigh lift will not create a very visible scar because the incision is placed along the groin region. However, an outer thigh lift is likely to leave a more conspicuous scar. A skilled plastic surgeon can hide the scars in relatively discreet locations.


    In some cases, your thigh lift cosmetic surgery incisions may reopen within days or weeks after your procedure. This is a fairly common occurrence, and your surgeon will be able to clean and close the incisions carefully in their office itself.


    Fluid or blood may accumulation under the skin in your incision sites, which can pose a higher risk of infection and exacerbate the swelling. Temporary drainage tubes are usually placed to avoid this risk, but if seroma still occurs, your surgeon will know the techniques to drain out the collected fluid from the tissue.


    Some degree of infection risk is unavoidable in any surgical procedure. You should be careful when emptying the drainage tubes, changing the dressing, or bathing. Your surgeon may prescribe antibiotic medications to minimize your risk of post-op infection.


    Following a thigh lift plastic surgery, some amount of bleeding is expected. But if the bleeding is prolonged or excessive, it is a cause for concern, and you should inform your surgeon right away. Avoid blood thinning medications and NSAIDs for a few days to mitigate this risk.


    After your thigh lift surgery, very small blood clots may sometimes develop, resulting in hard spots near your incision sites. These clots will usually dissolve on their own, but if they persist, your surgeon can review your condition and decide if any treatment is necessary.

    Deep Vein Thrombosis

    This is one of the rare but serious risks in any major surgical procedure. A significant clot may occur in the leg, which could travel to other body areas, such as the lungs, heart, or brain. A skilled surgeon will take all necessary steps to mitigate this risk prior to your thigh lift surgery.

    Asymmetrical Thighs

    A committed and judicious plastic surgeon will ensure that you have naturally symmetrical and proportional thighs after your surgeon. However, a poorly planned surgery or an unexpected medical issue may lead to asymmetry in the thighs, necessitating a revision surgery.

    Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, and Los Angeles, and nearby areas for thigh lift surgery.

    Contact Beverly Hills Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie to Schedule a Consultation

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    To see more services and treatments provided by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles | West Hollywood, CA and his team please visit: